I’m currently 31, a full-time running coach, enjoying my running more than ever and feel like it’s still just kicking off.
As runners, we all go through phases – sometimes it’s easy, other times it’s hard. Sometimes you’re motivated, other times you dread doing sessions. At the moment, I’m enjoying running more than ever. I enjoy improving and getting quicker each year. Very few things are sweeter in life than a PB. I know these days will eventually come to an end but for now, I’m enjoying this journey.
When I first started running, I did not enjoy it one bit! It was so much effort for such little reward. Every km was a slog and I, like much of the rest of the world, couldn’t believe people actually choose to do this and have fun doing it. The only reason why I got into it in the first place was because someone told me I couldn’t do a race. Tell me this and I’ll make a point to try and prove you wrong.
After completing this race, I finally started getting slightly fitter. I started enjoying running more and going for voluntary runs instead of forced ones. I had set the bar, wanted to beat my times and actually still do till this day. I aim to get better, faster and stronger each year. I’ve progressed year- on-year and am going to keep at it until I find out where my peak is. As athletes, we all have our limitations – have you reached yours yet?
In 2014 I committed to running the Comrades Marathon. I vowed that I would only ever run one and that would be it. I lied! Here I am, 23 consecutive sub 3 marathons later and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
In fact my running journey still seems like its beginning
Running is my passion! I’m now at the stage where I almost depend on running. Nothing in the world beats that endorphin release it gives you – NOTHING!