The Athlete of the month, for the month October is.... Josh Haigh
In the build up to his goal marathon, Josh was the definition of consistency! Always making the team track sessions when he can. Nailing almost all sessions en route to York marathon. The toughest part with him targeting York was that it was one of the latest marathons in the calendar. This meant he saw all the team chat on the WhatsApp group of others finishing the likes of Brighton, Berlin, Manchester, London and many more marathons, while he just hung tight waiting for his, before he could join in properly for the celebrations.
He seemed to have drawn a lot of motivation from others in the team around him. The closer he got to race day, the more on form he looked. We timed his peak perfect and PEAK on marathon race day he did! Finishing in an epic time of 3h 05m. What a mature and consistent run it was too!
One of the things I like most about Josh’s approach to running is that he seems to get the balance between life and training just right. Always adjusting for what’s to come. Let’s say for example if he’s going to a festival on a weekend, then he’ll bank the important sessions before and grind hard during the week. Thus, allowing him to enjoy the festival even more knowing he has put in a lot of work prior to it.
His smile and celebrations in this picture above says it all!
After a few more months of consistency and with his attitude, a sub 3 marathon is most certainly on the cards for next year! Loads more PB’s to come from this humble runner and I cannot wait to help unlock the rest of the talent he has! Proud couch!
Onwards and Upwards!
Who will be the athlete of the month for November?
